Summer Symposium 2025 > Course Registration

Online Registration

Please complete the online form for your digital registration:

Half the years - half the price

If you would like to register for the half-price promotion, please complete the second form (further down on this page).


Online Registration Standard

Registration for the following course:

With this application I agree that the following personal data are sent to Textiles Zentrum Haslach and Textile Kultur Haslach from the input dialogue (acad. grade, title, first name, surname, E-mail address, street, house number, door number, ZIP code, city, country) and may be used for distribution of newsletters, workshop programmes and other information from Textiles Zentrum Haslach and Textile Kultur Haslach by post or E-mail. My data will only be kept in electronical form and will never be distributed to third parties. I may withdraw from this agreement at any given time and without giving reasons by sending an E-mail to 

After submitting your registration, you will be redirected to another page which will inform you that the submission was successful. If this is not the case, please check the form again.


Online Registration Half the years - Half the price

Registration of the elderly person

Registration for the following course:

Registration of the younger person

Registration for the following course:

With this application I agree that the following personal data are sent to Textiles Zentrum Haslach and Textile Kultur Haslach from the input dialogue (acad. grade, title, first name, surname, E-mail address, street, house number, door number, ZIP code, city, country) and may be used for distribution of newsletters, workshop programmes and other information from Textiles Zentrum Haslach and Textile Kultur Haslach by post or E-mail. My data will only be kept in electronical form and will never be distributed to third parties. I may withdraw from this agreement at any given time and without giving reasons by sending an E-mail to


After submitting your registration, you will be redirected to another page which will inform you that the submission was successful. If this is not the case, please check the form again.



Registration by post

If you would like to send us your registration by post, please print out the following form, fill it in and send it postage paid to: Textile Kultur Haslach, Stahlmühle 4, A-4170 Haslach


General Information

General Information

Association TEXTILE KULTUR HASLACH, Stahlmühle 4, A-4170 Haslach an der Mühl,
Tel: 0043 (0)7289 72300, e-mail:,
You can find more photos and our online registration form on our homepage:

Textile Centre Haslach and adjoining rooms, Stahlmühle 4, A-4170 Haslach,, as well as vacancies on the market square. The course rooms in the Textile Centre are a 5-minute walk from the market square.

Mon - Thu: 9:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 18:00
Fri: 9:30 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 16:00
Workshop tour: On Wednesday from 16:30 to 18:00 all course rooms are open to visitors.
Finissage: On Friday from 15:00 - 16:00 there will be a joint finissage with the results of the courses.
On the first day of the course there will be a general welcome in the foyer of the Textile Centre Haslach at 9:30.

The amounts stated in the course description include the course fees without material and copying costs for scripts. These are to be settled directly with the course instructor. Accommodation and catering costs are also not included.

The team of the Mühlviertel Tourism Association will be happy to help you find accommodation: Tel: 0043 (0)507263-200,
E-mail: Please note that there are various evening events in Haslach from Mon - Thu. If you are travelling by public transport and would like to attend, please enquire about possible connections.

Information on train & bus connections from Linz to Haslach can be found at and on our website under Travel Information.
From Haslach railway station, 3 km outside the town centre, there is a shuttle bus service to the town.
If you are travelling by train, you can also book a hire car from Linz train station:
To make your journey easier, we organise carpooling and shuttle services from Rohrbach to Haslach, which are coordinated with the connections to and from Linz. You will receive more information after registration.

A certificate of attendance will only be issued after at least 95% of the course times have been attended.
The Textile Culture Haslach Association has been certified by the Upper Austrian Institute for Adult Education and has been awarded the quality seal for adult education. This means that the courses are eligible for funding via the Upper Austrian education account for people living in Upper Austria. Information on eligibility criteria and the online application form can be found at, Education Account of the Province of Upper Austria: 0732/7720-14900, bildungskonto@ooe.gv.at


Information on course registration

Information on course registration

We recommend that you register early, as the number of places on the courses is limited. You can use the registration card, which is linked above for download, or the online registration form above. Registrations by e-mail can only be accepted if all the information requested on the registration card is provided. Course places are allocated in the order in which registrations are received.

You will receive a confirmation e-mail once your registration has been received. As soon as the minimum number of participants has been reached and the course can therefore take place, you will receive another e-mail requesting payment. The full course fee must then be paid within 14 days. If you register 4 weeks before the start of the course, we recommend that you contact us by telephone to find out which places are still available. In this case, the course fee must be paid into the account stated below immediately after confirmation of enrolment.

Sparkasse Haslach, Textile Culture Haslach, IBAN: AT12 2033 4042 0000 8623
Please state the course number and the name of the participant in the bank transfer!

Programme changes: Any changes to the specified course days, dates and instructors may occur for organisational reasons. You will be informed immediately. If these changes do not suit you, your deposit will be refunded. Costs for room cancellation and travel will not be reimbursed by us.

Cancellation from our side: A minimum number of participants is set for each course. If this number is not reached 4 weeks before the course, we reserve the right to cancel the course. We will inform you immediately about other available course places. If these are not available, your deposit will be refunded. Room cancellation and travel costs will not be reimbursed by us.

Cancellation from your side: If you are unable to attend, please cancel in writing.
For cancellations up to 4 weeks before the start of the course, 10% of the course costs will be retained or invoiced as a processing fee. For cancellations received 4 weeks before the start of the course or at shorter notice, up to 2 days before the start of the course, a cancellation fee of 50% of the course costs will be retained.
Cancellations received two days or more before the start of the course, discontinuation of a course or unexcused non-attendance will be charged the full course fee. The cancellation fee is independent of whether the cancelled place is filled or not.

Data protection: By registering, you give us your consent to use your personal data (academic degree, title, first name, surname, email address, street, house number, door number, PO box, postcode, town, country) to send you future course programmes and other events organised by Textile Culture Haslach and the Textile Centre Haslach by post or email. Your data will only be stored in electronic form and will not be passed on to third parties. Your consent can be revoked at any time without giving reasons by sending an e-mail to without giving reasons.

Photos & Videos: By registering, you also agree that the organiser may take photos and short videos of the course and supporting events during the Summer Symposium, which may be used for documentation and public relations purposes.